Career Centers
Home Services For Individuals Career Centers
Services for Job Seekers
Goodwill of Greater Detroit operates two of eight Oakland County Michigan Works! One Stop Centers as a part of the state-wide Michigan Works! Association. The One Stop Centers are a customer focused workforce development system that prepares people for work along with assisting businesses in locating personnel.
Universal Access
Services are available to everyone free of charge and are self-serve information and resources requiring facilitated or no staff assistance. Services include computer and internet resources as well as books, videos and other job and career related materials. Workshops on resume writing, networking, interviewing, financial aid, and more are available. Job fairs, on-site interviews, guest presenters, and local talent events are also hosted.
Business Hours
Weekdays: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm (except State Holidays).
To ensure same-day service for Unemployment Insurance Claims, customers should arrive no later than 3:30 pm to input their UIA Claim and resume data.
The Resource Room closes at 4:45 p.m.
Career Development Programs
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – Career Services can provide inclusive individual employment and career planning, assessments, career counseling and in depth career development and assistance. Program eligibility required.
Partnership, Accountability, Training and Hope (PATH) – Family Independence Program Applicants referred from the Department of Health and Human Services will take part in a robust, results-oriented work participation program.
The PATH curriculum prepares clients for both the pursuit of a job and the skills necessary to keep a job. Resume writing, job search skills, and support services are included in the curriculum, as well as instruction on acceptable workplace behavior and employer expectations.
Veterans’ Employment Services
A Veterans Employment Specialist is assists veterans to find employment, build occupational skills, and access state and federal veterans’ services. Veterans Employment Specialists provide personalized service to:
- Develop an action plan to meet your goals
- Access employment priority for veterans
- Job search assistance
- Career exploration and planning
- Discuss possible training options
Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs
Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Educational Resources
Equal Opportunity Employer / Program
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Michigan Relay Center (TTY) (800) 646-3777 or 711
Services for Businesses
Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit operates two of eight Oakland County Michigan Works! One Stop Centers as a part of the state-wide Michigan Works! Association. We serve two customers: Employers who are seeking skilled workers and Job Seekers who are seeking employment. We partner with Oakland County Economic Development, City Economic Developers, and Michigan Economic Development to assist with new hires, company launches, retention and expansion information and business proposals.
One Stop Center services include:
- Provide location for businesses to host a job fair for their company, interview office space availability, and serve as a point of contact for applicant’s to receive and return employment applications.
- Assistance with Pure Michigan Talent Connect registration and usage – an online marketplace connecting Michigan’s job seekers and employers, serving as a central hub to support and utilize Michigan’s workforce.
- Utilize our community network to blast employment needs to our community via social media sites and email distribution lists.
- Partner with Veterans Retraining Assistance Program (VRAP) to connect veterans with job opportunities
Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program
Community Involvement
Partner to Oakland County One Stop Shop Business Center
Members of Huron-Valley Chamber of Commerce, Novi Chamber of Commerce, and Lakes Area Chamber of Commerce
Partners with Highland Public Library, Novi Public Library, and Salem-South Lyon Public Library
Equal Opportunity Employer / Program
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Michigan Relay Center (TTY) (800) 646-3777 or 711

1850 N. Perry
Pontiac, MI 48340
Office (248) 276-1777
Fax (248) 276-1778

31186 Beck Rd.
Novi, MI 48377
Office (248) 926-1820
Fax (248) 926-1958
Get In Touch
Pontiac Career Center
Teresa Brittentine,
Program Director
Novi Career Center
Kristina Kurtz,
Program Director